मंदिर निर्माण सेवा मे अपना योगदान दे और महाकुंभ संगम जल, दिव्य रज और महाप्रसाद प्राप्त करें l

Once In A Life Time Opportunity

Your contribution help us to create special place of workship which create positive change in our society. This include Temple Hall, Large Gaushala and Big Anna Daan Hall.

Donate for the construction of this iconic temple and Receive blessings of Radha Krishna.


Our heartfelt gratitude for your kind support.

9,793 Square Feet raised out of a goal of 3,50,000 Square Feet.

Donor Privileges

Each one of our respected contributors of at least one square feet donation will receive these privileges:


1. On Donation of 1 Square Feet or above, you will receive Maha Prasadam from Gupt Vrindavan Dham.

2. Sankalp and Aarti will be performed on your name.

3. Receive a special gift of Spiritual Books.

4. Get 80G Tax Benefits on your donation.

5. Digital Certificate of Your Contribution.

6. You will receive Narasimha Kavach Sutra for Protection from all dangers.

7. Special Narasimha Yagna Tilak.

8. You will receive "महाकुंभ संगम जल एवं रज" direct from Sangam Prayagraj

Other Donor Privileges

Each one of our respected contributors of above 1 Square Feet Donation will receive below privileges based on Donation Level.

Contributing to the Temple Construction brings divine blessings and grace from the Lord. By donation for temple construction through Square Feet Seva Campaign initiative, supporters receive tokens of appreciation, embodying spiritual gifts that assure prosperity and progress in life.

This noble cause invites participants to experience the downpour of mercy, enriching their spiritual journey while aiding the creation of a sacred atmosphere. Each supportive contribution under the Square Feet Seva is not only a donation but a step towards a blessed and fulfilling life, adorned with transcendental grace and acknowledgment.



Membership Privileges

(Square Feet Campaign donations of ₹ 1.5L & above are eligible for Membership Privileges)


Connect more acutely with the divine by joining our patronship program, supporting temple construction through square feet seva. Your generous donation for temple construction magnifies temple activities, extending cultural outreach and advancing spiritual upliftment. Patrons have the advantage of privileges like Nitya Archana Seva and the Blessed Home Program for themselves and their families. The benefits of generosity facilitate a full lifetime with divine grace and prosperity. Embrace this opportunity to contribute generously through the square feet seva campaign, inviting the blessings of the divine and fostering spiritual growth in your life.



Every year Special Puja will be performed specified by the Member


Member name will be inscribed in the Hall of Devotional Fame in the tample


Patron and family (6 persons) will be invited once a year to come and honour Special Rajbhog prasadam offered to Their Lordships

Patronship Card

As a token of recognition for the seva, the Patron will receive Prestigious Patronship Card


Special Passes & Invitations will be sent for festivals like Janmashtami


Patron's family name will be mentioned in SEVA KARTAS book kept in the Altar at the Lotus Feet of the Lord


Nitya archana Seva will be performed invoking Lord's blessing on Patron and his family.


Patron will receive a Set of Srila Prabhupada's books including Bhagavad- Gita As it is


Patron and family can participate in Udaya-Asthamana Puja (all pujas from morning to night) on any one day in a year


Annadan will be done on behalf of Patron on any one day of their choice every year


Patron and family can invite devotees for a BLESSED HOME program on any one day in a year


Patron and family will have an opportunity for personalized 1-on-1 Bhagavad-Gita sessions with devotees


A silver kalasha with maha-water from 108 sacred rivers will be given to Patron and family at the time of Deity installation.


Patron & his family will be invited to actively participate in Deity Installation ceremony.


Patron and family will have access to VIP LOUNGE and waiting area.


Patron and family will have the privilege of getting samskaras like Annaprashna, Namkaran, Mundan etc in the temple


Patron and family can book Convention Halls in the temple any one day in a year at a discounted price


Patron and family will be given one Narasimha Kavacha. This Kavacha can be worn for Lord Narasimha's blessings to remove all obstacles


Patron & family can stay in all HKM Centers worldwide (with Guest House facility) 3 days in a year.


Patron's name will be prominently listed in our Temple Website.


Patron's name will be displayed in Electronic Display Board in Main Temple Hall.


Patron & his family can stay in Jaipur Temple Guest House for 3 days in a year.


Patron & family will get a spiritual kit with japa mala, bead bag etc. for daily puja


Patron & family will be added in Satsang groups to receive spiritual message daily


Patron & family will get regular updates about forthcoming festivals and events in the temple.


Such iconic temple-cum-cultural centers are the need of the hour. India has a huge potential to develop spiritual tourism for society's overall good and well-being. The Bhagavad-Gita contains a wealth of confidential knowledge that reveals the secret to leading happier and more fulfilled lives.

Sri Narendra Modi
Prime Minister of India

Integrity, honesty, confidence, and self-discipline are key attributes for a well-rounded, integrated and wholesome personality. The Bhagavad-Gita contains the valuable key to instil these attributes. Such cultural centers can instill these values into a person naturally and holistically.

Sri Pranab Mukherjee
Former President of India

मुझे गुप्त वृंदावन धाम आने का मौका मीला जोकि साढ़े तीन लाख स्क्वायर फीट में बनने जा रहा एक भव्य मंदिर होगा। यहाँ केवल पूजा ही नहीं बल्कि चरित्र निर्माण भी होगा. हर तरह से संस्कृति का संरक्षण भी यहाँ पर होगा. एक ऐसा स्थान बन जाएगा जहा आप और हम आऐंगे तो हमारी संस्कृति का भी संरक्षण होगा हमारे धर्म को भी मजबूती मिलेगी।

Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore
Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Department of Rajasthan

गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम में सनातन धर्म को बढ़ावा देने के लिए अद्भुत प्रयास किए जा रहे हैं, खासकर हिंगोनिया गौशाला के माध्यम से गौ माता की सेवा करके। यहां सभी उत्सव धूमधाम से मनाए जाते हैं, साधुओं को भोजन और प्रसाद वितरित किया जाता है। सभी भक्तजनों का धन्यवाद!

Sri Ramcharan Bohra
Former Member of Parliament, Jaipur

गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम में दर्शनार्थियों के लिए सुंदर व्यवस्था है। हरे कृष्ण मूवमेंट जयपुर हिंगोनिया गौशाला के माध्यम से गायों की सेवा करता है और बच्चों को रोजाना प्रसाद देता है। सभी उम्र के लोग 'हरे कृष्ण महामंत्र' का जाप कर रहे हैं।

Sri Jagdish Chandra Sharma

मैं पहली बार गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम आया, और यह अनुभव सचमुच अद्भुत था। मंदिर की व्यवस्था उत्कृष्ट थी, जिसे देखकर मुझे बेहद खुशी हुई। श्री कृष्ण जी के दर्शन ने मुझे पुनः आने की प्रेरणा दी है। मैं निश्चित रूप से फिर से इस पवित्र स्थान पर आऊंगा।

Sri Rahul Katakey
DIG (IPS), Training, Jaipur

भारतीय सभ्यता और संस्कृति की क्षमताएं पूरा विश्व जानता है लेकिन इस सांस्कृतिक परंपरा और धरोहर को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए और अपने सनातन मूल्यों को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए गुप्त वृंदावन अर्थात जयपुर में एक बहुत बड़ा हरे कृष्ण मंदिर बनने जा रहा है

Nitish Bharadwaj
Actor | Director | Producer

जयपुर, जिसे गुप्त वृंदावन कहते हैं, वहाँ पर श्रीहरी का एक मंदिर निर्माण हो रहा है। साढ़े तीन लाख स्क्वायर फीट में बनाए जा रहे इस भव्य मंदिर और सांस्कृतिक केंद्र के आप भी एक सहयोगी बन सकते हैं। मात्र 1800 रुपये प्रति स्क्वायर फीट का सहयोग देकर आप एक पुनीत कार्य करें और श्रीहरि के कृपा पात्र बनें। हरे कृष्ण।

Suryapal Singh
The Kerala Story Movie Writer

गुप्त वृंदावन धाम मंदिर में श्री श्री कृष्ण बलराम के दर्शन करना मेरे लिए एक अद्भुत अनुभव रहा। उनके दर्शन से मन को गहरी शांति और अपार आनंद मिला। यहाँ आकर मैंने जाना कि मंदिर में गौ सेवा भी होती है, जो सनातन धर्म का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। इस सेवा को देखकर मन और भी आनंदित हो गया।

Pt. Sudhir Vayas
Musical Artist

मुझे जानकर बेहद खुशी हुई कि यहां पर गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम बनने वाला है, कितनी खुशी की बात है ये कि एक ऐसा प्लेटफार्म तैयार हो रहा है एक ऐसा मंच तैयार हो रहा है जहां सब मिलकर अलग-अलग एक्टिविटीज के जरिए कृष्ण भावनामृत का अनुभव कर सकते हैं

Amrita Rao
Indian Actress

गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम में आकर बहुत अच्छा लगा। भगवान के सुंदर विग्रह और सजावट देखकर मन की शांति महसूस हुई। मेरी प्रार्थना है कि ईश्वर की कृपा सभी पर बनी रहे। हरे कृष्ण मूवमेंट से हम तनाव, एंज़ाइटी और डिप्रेशन से दूर रह सकते हैं और जीवन को सरलता से जी सकते हैं।

Dr. Puja Agarwal
Vice President, Arya Group of Colleges

सदियों से भव्य मंदिर बनने की परंपरा को आगे बढ़ाते हुए हरे कृष्ण मूवमेंट बना रहा है राजस्थान का सबसे बड़ा मंदिर गुप्त वृंदावन धाम। मैं चाहताहू कि आप सब भी इस मंदिर के निर्माण में अपना सहयोग करें और भगवान का प्रसाद प्राप्त करें।

Rj Mohit

Charitable Activities

The Gupt Vrindavan Dham is stuffed with numerous culturally uplifting activities, gradually helping society advance together and reach transcendental platforms of life. Every charity donation for temple construction will amplify the magnitude of cultural programs, empowering more people to unite in the common purpose of developing every part of society. Donations under the Square Feet Seva campaign play a vital role in progressing the programs to higher extents, fostering a collective spirit and a mutual commitment to societal growth and cultural enrichment. This collaborative effort through the square feet donation campaign will significantly contribute to the community's spiritual and cultural development.


Temple Features

Feature of Gupt Vrindavan Dham 

Gupt Vrindavan Dham

Srila Prabhupada's Hare Krishna Movement Jaipur

Anna Daan Hall

Large Prasadam Distribution Hall

Grand Kitchen

Grand Kitchen to support Annadan & Charitable feeding initiatives.

Krishna Lila Exhibition

Beautiful Exhibition of Lord Krishna's Divine Pastimes

Gupt Vrindavan Dham

Srila Prabhupada's Hare Krishna Movement Jaipur

Anna Daan Hall

Large Prasadam Distribution Hall

Grand Kitchen

Grand Kitchen to support Annadan & Charitable feeding initiatives.

Krishna Lila Exhibition

Beautiful Exhibition of Lord Krishna's Divine Pastimes

Temple Construction Status - As on January 2025


Atharva Veda: 3.24.5

Atharva Veda: 3.24.5

शतहस्त समाहर सहस्रहस्त सं किर ।

कृतस्य कार्यस्य चेह स्फातिं समावह ॥

"One may amass wealth with hundreds of hands but one should also distribute it with thousands of hands. If someone keeps all that he accumulates for himself and does not give it to others the horded wealth will eventually prove to be the cause of ruin."

Manu Smriti: 9.304

Manu Smriti: 9.304

वार्षिकांश्चतुरो मासान् यथेन्द्रोऽभिप्रवर्षति ।

तथाऽभिवर्षेत् स्वं राष्ट्रं कामैरिन्द्रव्रतं चरन् ॥

"whatever wealth a person attains in his life is due to his having given charity in previous lives, and if one has not given charity in previous lives, then even though he may sit atop a mound of gold as big as Mount Sumeru, he will still remain poor."

Rig Veda: 5.60.5

Rig Veda: 5.60.5

अ॒ज्ये॒ष्ठासो॒ अक॑निष्ठास ए॒ते सं भ्रात॑रो वावृधु॒: सौभ॑गाय ।

युवा॑ पि॒ता स्वपा॑ रु॒द्र ए॑षां सु॒दुघा॒ पृश्नि॑: सु॒दिना॑ म॒रुद्भ्य॑: ॥

"No one is superior or inferior. All are brothers. All should work for the interest of all and progress collectively."

Manu Smriti: 9.324

Manu Smriti: 9.324

एवं चरन् सदा युक्तो राजधर्मेषु पार्थिवः ।

हितेषु चैव लोकस्य सर्वान् भृत्यान्नियोजयेत्॥

"Acting in this manner, and ever intent upon his Kingly Duties, the king shall order all his servants to work for the good of the people."

Atharva Veda: 3.30.6

Atharva Veda: 3.30.6

समानी प्रऽपा सह व: अन्नऽभाग: समाने योक्त्रे सह व: युनज्मि ।

सम्यञ्च: अग्निम् सपर्यत अरा: नाभिम्ऽइव अभित: ॥

"All should live together with harmony supporting one another like the spokes of a wheel of the chariot connecting its rim and the hub."

Manu Smriti: 7.99

Manu Smriti: 7.99

अलब्धं चैव लिप्सेत लब्धं रक्षेत् प्रयत्नतः ।

रक्षितं वर्धयेच्चैव वृद्धं पात्रेषु निक्षिपेत् ॥

"He shall strive to obtain what has not been obtained; what he has gained he shall preserve with care; he shall augment what has been preserved and what has been augmented he shall bestow upon suitable recipients."


Frequently Asked Question!

Respected Contributors

VIVEK SINGHALdonated108 Sq. ft.
8 months ago
Kapil Vidhanidonated108 Sq. ft.
8 months ago
Rick Sundardonated85 Sq. ft.
5 months ago
Sujata Kathuriadonated60 Sq. ft.
8 months ago
Arun Aggarwaldonated55 Sq. ft.
7 months ago
Ayush Mangoredonated55 Sq. ft.
3 months ago
Hari Singh Yadavdonated55 Sq. ft.
9 months ago
Joy Chopradonated51 Sq. ft.
about 2 months ago
SKM HOME APPLIANCESdonated51 Sq. ft.
9 months ago

Offer your Seva and receive the blessings of Sri Radha Krishna

Start Your Fundraising Campaign

  • Create your own fundraising campaign
  • Share your campaign with your friends & family
  • Encourage them to donate & start their own campaign
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Construction Seva

Spreading Culture with a Splendid Center

The Gupt Vrindavan Dham is a lighthouse of spiritual and cultural enrichment, poised to become a cornerstone for fostering the growth and unity of the society. By promoting values and activities that raise both the spirit and culture, the center will play a crucial role in guiding individuals towards an elevated plane of consciousness and communal harmony. This ambitious project, however, relies on the generous contributions of individuals who portion a vision for a more enlightened and cohesive society.

At its core, the Gupt Vrindavan Dham aims to serve as a sanctuary where people from all walks of life can come together to participate in and celebrate the cultural and spiritual traditions. Through a variety of programs including yoga, meditation, educational workshops, and grand cultural festivals, the center will offer a platform for personal and communal growth. These activities are designed not only to nurture individual spirituality but also to nourish the cultural fabric of our community, promoting values of compassion, unity, and devotional service.

One of the most impactful ways you can support the construction of this transformative center is through the Square Feet Seva campaign. This initiative allows donors to sponsor specific square feet of the temple construction, symbolically and tangibly contributing to the groundwork of this noble cause. By sponsoring square feet, donors become an integral part of the building process, and together with blessings and prosperity in life it will leave a lasting legacy that will benefit countless individuals for generations to come.

The initiative of Square Feet Seva is simple yet profound. Each square foot sponsored represents a personal devotion to the growth and betterment of society. Whether you choose to sponsor one square foot or several, your contribution will directly strengthen the physical development of the center, enabling it to offer more programs and services that will uplift and inspire everyone.

The growth of society is a shared responsibility, and supporting platforms that advance such noble causes is an act of collective empowerment. Every contribution, no matter the size, is vital for the temple construction. By donating to the Gupt Vrindavan Dham, you are not just capitalizing a building; you are investing in the future of the community. Your support will help create a station where individuals can learn, grow, and thrive together, cultivating a more enlightened and blissful society.

The effect of your donation will be multifaceted. It will inflate the magnitude of cultural programs offered, empower more individuals to join in this divine mission, and ensure that the values of compassion, devotion, and spiritual growth are woven into the fabric of the whole community. This center will stand as a testament to what can be achieved when we come together for the divine cause.

We invite you to join us in this spiritual endeavor by contributing to the Gupt Vrindavan Dham. Your support through the Square Feet Seva campaign or any other form of charity donation will be deeply appreciated and acknowledged. Together, we need to build a sanctuary that not only preserves and promotes our cultural heritage but also fosters a spirit of devotional service and spiritual awakening.

In conclusion, the Gupt Vrindavan Dham constitutes more than just a building; it embodies a vision of an advanced society. By contributing to its construction, you are playing a pivotal role in realizing this divine vision. Let us come together to support this transformative project and create an enduring impact on the community's spiritual and cultural landscape. Your generosity today will pave the way for a blessed, more harmonious tomorrow.


Mandir Nirman Seva