Kumbh Annadaan Seva

"A Lifeline for Sadhus and Devotees at the Kumbh Mela"


Annadaan Seva during the Kumbh Mela is the biggest Seva above all other donations. By providing food, you directly help Sadhus and devotees traveling long distances.


Donate now and receive Lord's blessings and tax benefits!

Importance of Kumbh Annadaan Seva

Your donation ensures that these pilgrims receive warm, nourishing meals, giving them the energy to continue their journey. It's a service that brings blessings, and you will receive Special Maha prasadam.


Don't miss this chance – donate now!

Kumbh Annadaan Seva

51 Thali
51 Thali
101 Thali
101 Thali
501 Thali
501 Thali
1001 Thali
1001 Thali
Daily 2100 sadhus
Daily 2100 sadhus
Daily 5000 sadhus
Daily 5000 sadhus

Contribution Benefits

1. On Donation of ₹ ​​​​​​1100 or above, you will receive Maha Prasadam from Gupt Vrindavan Dham.

2. Receive Narasimha Cavach Sutra at your home.

3. Get 80G Tax Benefits on your donation.

4. Digital Certificate of Your Contribution.

5. Manasi Snan, Sankalp and Aarti will be performed for you and your family.

6. Special Blessings of Devotees from Maha Kumbh - Prayagraj. 


Such iconic temple-cum-cultural centers are the need of the hour. India has a huge potential to develop spiritual tourism for society's overall good and well-being. The Bhagavad-Gita contains a wealth of confidential knowledge that reveals the secret to leading happier and more fulfilled lives.

Sri Narendra Modi
Prime Minister of India

Integrity, honesty, confidence, and self-discipline are key attributes for a well-rounded, integrated and wholesome personality. The Bhagavad-Gita contains the valuable key to instil these attributes. Such cultural centers can instill these values into a person naturally and holistically.

Sri Pranab Mukherjee
Former President of India

मुझे गुप्त वृंदावन धाम आने का मौका मीला जोकि साढ़े तीन लाख स्क्वायर फीट में बनने जा रहा एक भव्य मंदिर होगा। यहाँ केवल पूजा ही नहीं बल्कि चरित्र निर्माण भी होगा. हर तरह से संस्कृति का संरक्षण भी यहाँ पर होगा. एक ऐसा स्थान बन जाएगा जहा आप और हम आऐंगे तो हमारी संस्कृति का भी संरक्षण होगा हमारे धर्म को भी मजबूती मिलेगी।

Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore
Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Department of Rajasthan

गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम में सनातन धर्म को बढ़ावा देने के लिए अद्भुत प्रयास किए जा रहे हैं, खासकर हिंगोनिया गौशाला के माध्यम से गौ माता की सेवा करके। यहां सभी उत्सव धूमधाम से मनाए जाते हैं, साधुओं को भोजन और प्रसाद वितरित किया जाता है। सभी भक्तजनों का धन्यवाद!

Sri Ramcharan Bohra
Former Member of Parliament, Jaipur

गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम में दर्शनार्थियों के लिए सुंदर व्यवस्था है। हरे कृष्ण मूवमेंट जयपुर हिंगोनिया गौशाला के माध्यम से गायों की सेवा करता है और बच्चों को रोजाना प्रसाद देता है। सभी उम्र के लोग 'हरे कृष्ण महामंत्र' का जाप कर रहे हैं।

Sri Jagdish Chandra Sharma

मैं पहली बार गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम आया, और यह अनुभव सचमुच अद्भुत था। मंदिर की व्यवस्था उत्कृष्ट थी, जिसे देखकर मुझे बेहद खुशी हुई। श्री कृष्ण जी के दर्शन ने मुझे पुनः आने की प्रेरणा दी है। मैं निश्चित रूप से फिर से इस पवित्र स्थान पर आऊंगा।

Sri Rahul Katakey
DIG (IPS), Training, Jaipur

भारतीय सभ्यता और संस्कृति की क्षमताएं पूरा विश्व जानता है लेकिन इस सांस्कृतिक परंपरा और धरोहर को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए और अपने सनातन मूल्यों को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए गुप्त वृंदावन अर्थात जयपुर में एक बहुत बड़ा हरे कृष्ण मंदिर बनने जा रहा है

Nitish Bharadwaj
Actor | Director | Producer

जयपुर, जिसे गुप्त वृंदावन कहते हैं, वहाँ पर श्रीहरी का एक मंदिर निर्माण हो रहा है। साढ़े तीन लाख स्क्वायर फीट में बनाए जा रहे इस भव्य मंदिर और सांस्कृतिक केंद्र के आप भी एक सहयोगी बन सकते हैं। मात्र 1800 रुपये प्रति स्क्वायर फीट का सहयोग देकर आप एक पुनीत कार्य करें और श्रीहरि के कृपा पात्र बनें। हरे कृष्ण।

Suryapal Singh
The Kerala Story Movie Writer

गुप्त वृंदावन धाम मंदिर में श्री श्री कृष्ण बलराम के दर्शन करना मेरे लिए एक अद्भुत अनुभव रहा। उनके दर्शन से मन को गहरी शांति और अपार आनंद मिला। यहाँ आकर मैंने जाना कि मंदिर में गौ सेवा भी होती है, जो सनातन धर्म का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। इस सेवा को देखकर मन और भी आनंदित हो गया।

Pt. Sudhir Vayas
Musical Artist

मुझे जानकर बेहद खुशी हुई कि यहां पर गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम बनने वाला है, कितनी खुशी की बात है ये कि एक ऐसा प्लेटफार्म तैयार हो रहा है एक ऐसा मंच तैयार हो रहा है जहां सब मिलकर अलग-अलग एक्टिविटीज के जरिए कृष्ण भावनामृत का अनुभव कर सकते हैं

Amrita Rao
Indian Actress

गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम में आकर बहुत अच्छा लगा। भगवान के सुंदर विग्रह और सजावट देखकर मन की शांति महसूस हुई। मेरी प्रार्थना है कि ईश्वर की कृपा सभी पर बनी रहे। हरे कृष्ण मूवमेंट से हम तनाव, एंज़ाइटी और डिप्रेशन से दूर रह सकते हैं और जीवन को सरलता से जी सकते हैं।

Dr. Puja Agarwal
Vice President, Arya Group of Colleges

सदियों से भव्य मंदिर बनने की परंपरा को आगे बढ़ाते हुए हरे कृष्ण मूवमेंट बना रहा है राजस्थान का सबसे बड़ा मंदिर गुप्त वृंदावन धाम। मैं चाहताहू कि आप सब भी इस मंदिर के निर्माण में अपना सहयोग करें और भगवान का प्रसाद प्राप्त करें।

Rj Mohit

Kumbh Maha Daan

We are dedicated to supporting the pilgrims at Kumbh Mela through food, shelter, hygiene, and other essential services. Our aim is to ensure that every devotee has a comfortable and meaningful experience during this sacred event. Support us!

Respected Contributors

Manish Devdonated1100
30 minutes ago
31 minutes ago
Haripada Mahato and Tarubala Mahatodonated154
39 minutes ago
about 1 hour ago
Avinash kumar Shawdonated511
about 2 hours ago
Pankaj Sanwaldonated1133
about 2 hours ago
about 2 hours ago
Mamta Vermadonated1122
about 2 hours ago
Sanatani Manasdonated110
about 2 hours ago

Offer your Seva and receive the blessings of Sri Radha Krishna


Srimad Bhagavatam 10.11.11

Srimad Bhagavatam 10.11.11

फलिवकियणी तस चुतधानकरदयम् ।

फलैरपूरयद्रतै: फलभाणमपूिर च ॥

While Kṛṣṇa was going to the fruit vendor very hastily, most of the grains He was holding fell. Nonetheless, the fruit vendor filled Kṛṣṇa’s hands with fruits, and her fruit basket was immediately filled with jewels and gold..

Srimad Bhagavatam 11.27.51

Srimad Bhagavatam 11.27.51

पूजादीनां प्रवाहार्थं महापर्वस्वथान्वहम् ।

क्षेत्रापणपुरग्रामान् दत्त्वा मत्सार्ष्टितामियात् ॥

One who offers the Deity gifts of land, markets, cities and villages so that the regular daily worship and special festivals of the Deity may go on continually will achieve opulence equal to My own.

Bhagavad Gita 2.40

Bhagavad Gita 2.40

नेहाभिक्रमनाशोऽस्ति प्रत्यवायो न विद्यते ।

स्वल्पमप्यस्य धर्मस्य त्रायते महतो भयात् ॥

In this endeavour of offering service to Lord Kṛṣṇa, you get eternal credit, and a little service offer to Lord Kṛṣṇa can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear.

Srimad Bhagavatam 8.19.41

Srimad Bhagavatam 8.19.41

पराग् रिक्तमपूर्णं वा अक्षरं यत् तदोमिति ।

यत् किञ्चिदोमिति ब्रूयात् तेन रिच्येत वै पुमान् ।

भिक्षवे सर्वम्ॐ कुर्वन्नालं कामेन चात्मने ॥

If one has money, it should be used to push forward the Krishna consciousness movement so that all of human society will become happy, prosperous and hopeful of being promoted back home, back to Godhead.

Gita Mahatmya 68

Gita Mahatmya 68

सत्-पुस्तक-दानं च, गीतयः प्रकरोति यः

स याति ब्रह्म-सदनं, पुनर्-आवृत्ति-दुर्लभम्

One who makes a gift of one hundred copies of the Gita attains to the plane of the Absolute wherefrom rebirth practically never occurs.

Srimad Bhagavatam 10.22.35

Srimad Bhagavatam 10.22.35

एतावज्जन्मसाफल्यं देहिनामिह देहिषु ।

प ्राणैरर्थैर्धिया वाचा श्रेयआचरणं सदा ॥

It is the duty of every living being to perform welfare activities for the benefit of others with his life, wealth, intelligence and words.

Be Part of Maha Kumbh 2025


Frequently Asked Question!

Kumbh Daan Maha Daan

Help Feeding the Sadhus and Devotees

The Significance of Annadana at the Kumbh Mela


gaja turaga sahasraṁ gokulaṁ koṭi dānaṁ

kanaka rajata pātram methini sāgarantham

upaya kula viśuttam koṭi kanyā pradānaṁ

nahi nahi bahu dānaṁ annadānaṁ samānam


"Donating 1000 elephants & horses, donating 10 million cows, donating any number of vessels of silver and gold, donating the entire land to sea, offering the entire services of the clan, helping in the marriage of 10 million women, all this is never ever equal to Anna Daan, the feeding of hungry and needy."


Kumbh Annadaan Maha Annadaan


The act of annadana, or food donation, holds immense importance, especially during large gatherings like the Kumbh Mela. Scriptures proclaim that annadana is the greatest form of charity, emphasizing its profound spiritual and social impact.

It addresses the fundamental need for nourishment for the millions of pilgrims who gather at the Kumbh Mela, many of whom travel long distances and may be weary and hungry. By providing food, this tradition ensures that pilgrims can focus on their spiritual journey without the burden of hunger. The provision of meals goes beyond simple sustenance; it embodies compassion, community service, and spiritual enrichment.


Krishna Prasadam: Nourishment for Body and Soul


The food distributed during annadaan is not just ordinary fare, it is considered prasadam. Prasadam is a blessed offering that carries a spiritual substance, bestowing divine blessings upon those who consume it. This dual nourishment is designed to provide not just physical sustenance but also to nourish the soul, enhancing the spiritual experience of the pilgrims and deepening their connection with the divine.

Serving Sri Krishna prasadam is believed to attract the Lord’s blessings, bringing joy, happiness, and auspiciousness to families and loved ones. The act of giving prasadam is therefore a sacred act, a means of offering divine grace and nurturing the spiritual well-being of all.


A Heartfelt Offering and a Form of Devotion


Participating in annadana is viewed as a heartfelt offering, a sincere desire to help others by providing comfort and support to those seeking spiritual solace at the Maha Kumbh Mela. This act of service is not only beneficial to the recipient but also seen as a form of devotion for the give.

By providing sustenance through annadana, donors honor the devotion and sacrifices of those undertaking the pilgrimage, offering them not only material support but also expressing their respect and compassion. The principle of equality and inclusion is also emphasized, as everyone, regardless of their social status, is treated equally and given food without discrimination.


Spiritual Merit and the Divine Connection


Donating to annadana seva is a path to spiritual merit, creating a positive impact on the lives of others while enriching the giver's soul. This offering connects the donor to the broader spiritual community and the act is considered a way to cultivate inner awakening and spiritual growth.

According to the sources, those who engage in this generous cause may also prosper in health, wealth, and fame. The act of giving, which aligns with principles of service and compassion, is seen as purifying.


Gratitude and the Gift of Maha Prasadam


As a token of gratitude, donors may receive maha prasadam, which acts as a tangible reminder of their sacred connection and selfless giving.

This special prasadam from the Kumbh carries profound spiritual significance and serves as a symbol of divine favor and a blessed connection with the sacred pilgrimage. Donors may receive items such as Maha Prasadam, Narasimha Cavach Sutra, Spiritual Books, and an 80G Tax Benefits.


The Lasting Legacy of Generosity


Your donation to annadana contributes to a lasting legacy of love, service, and devotion, having a transformative impact on many. By participating in annadana, you not only support the pilgrims’ physical needs but also foster a sense of community and shared purpose, contributing to a legacy of interconnectedness and mutual support.

This act of generosity ensures that no one goes hungry, and every pilgrim can focus on their spiritual path. Your support helps to sustain the faith and strengthens the devotion of pilgrims, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the spiritual experience at the Kumbh Mela.


Gift for Donors


As a token of gratitude, donors receive Maha PrasadamNarasimha Cavach Sutra, and spiritual books. Donations are also eligible for 80G tax benefits. Contributions of ₹1100 or more will receive Maha Prasadam from Gupt Vrindavan Dham, and a special Sankalp and Aarti will be performed in the donor's name. This is not just a gift, but a blessing that brings spiritual rewards and strengthens the donor’s connection to God.

Kumbh Annadaan
Donate Now