Maghi Purnima Donation - Maha Kumbh 2025

"सभी शास्त्रों में शाही स्नान तिथियों पर दान को सर्वोत्तम प्रकार का दान बताया गया है।"

144 सालों में एक बार होने जा रहा महाकुंभ और माघी पूर्णिमा का दुर्लभ संयोग। घर बैठे इस पुण्य अवसर का हिस्सा बनें।सनातन धर्म के अनुसार, इस दिन साधु-संतों की सेवा से सभी पाप नष्ट होते हैं और जीवन में सुख-समृद्धि एवं भगवान की कृपा प्राप्त होती है।

अपनी सेवा अर्पित कर, पुण्य अर्जित करें!

Donate on the Auspicious Day of Maghi Purnima

Significance of Donation on Shahi Snan Dates

According to Hindu traditions, on Maghi Purnima, helping Sadhus and giving donations can remove sins and bring happiness and blessings into your life.

Participating in the Maha Kumbh Shahi Snan Seva, especially on Maghi Purnima, is a unique opportunity to serve and feed the Devotees and distribute Bhagawad Gita.

Donate and earn blessings by serving others!

Donation for Maghi Purnima - Maha Kumbh 2025

Maghi Purnima - Amrit Snan Seva
Maghi Purnima - Amrit Snan Seva
Sadhu Bhojan Seva
Sadhu Bhojan Seva
Langar Seva
Langar Seva
Blanket Distribution
Blanket Distribution
Havan Seva
Havan Seva
Nisulka Aawas seva
Nisulka Aawas seva

Seva Benefits: Maghi Purnima Donation

1. On Donation of ₹ ​​​​​​1100 or above, you will receive Maha Prasadam from Gupt Vrindavan Dham.

2. Receive Narasimha Cavach Sutra at your home.

3. Get 80G Tax Benefits on your donation.

4. Digital Certificate of Your Contribution.

5. Manasi Snan, Sankalp, and Aarti will be performed for you and your family.

6. You will also receive "महाकुंभ संगम जल एवं रज" direct from Kumbh Mela 2025 - Prayagraj

7. Yagna Tilak for protection & prosperity.


Such iconic temple-cum-cultural centers are the need of the hour. India has a huge potential to develop spiritual tourism for society's overall good and well-being. The Bhagavad-Gita contains a wealth of confidential knowledge that reveals the secret to leading happier and more fulfilled lives.

Sri Narendra Modi
Prime Minister of India

Integrity, honesty, confidence, and self-discipline are key attributes for a well-rounded, integrated and wholesome personality. The Bhagavad-Gita contains the valuable key to instil these attributes. Such cultural centers can instill these values into a person naturally and holistically.

Sri Pranab Mukherjee
Former President of India

मुझे गुप्त वृंदावन धाम आने का मौका मीला जोकि साढ़े तीन लाख स्क्वायर फीट में बनने जा रहा एक भव्य मंदिर होगा। यहाँ केवल पूजा ही नहीं बल्कि चरित्र निर्माण भी होगा. हर तरह से संस्कृति का संरक्षण भी यहाँ पर होगा. एक ऐसा स्थान बन जाएगा जहा आप और हम आऐंगे तो हमारी संस्कृति का भी संरक्षण होगा हमारे धर्म को भी मजबूती मिलेगी।

Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore
Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Department of Rajasthan

गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम में सनातन धर्म को बढ़ावा देने के लिए अद्भुत प्रयास किए जा रहे हैं, खासकर हिंगोनिया गौशाला के माध्यम से गौ माता की सेवा करके। यहां सभी उत्सव धूमधाम से मनाए जाते हैं, साधुओं को भोजन और प्रसाद वितरित किया जाता है। सभी भक्तजनों का धन्यवाद!

Sri Ramcharan Bohra
Former Member of Parliament, Jaipur

गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम में दर्शनार्थियों के लिए सुंदर व्यवस्था है। हरे कृष्ण मूवमेंट जयपुर हिंगोनिया गौशाला के माध्यम से गायों की सेवा करता है और बच्चों को रोजाना प्रसाद देता है। सभी उम्र के लोग 'हरे कृष्ण महामंत्र' का जाप कर रहे हैं।

Sri Jagdish Chandra Sharma

मैं पहली बार गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम आया, और यह अनुभव सचमुच अद्भुत था। मंदिर की व्यवस्था उत्कृष्ट थी, जिसे देखकर मुझे बेहद खुशी हुई। श्री कृष्ण जी के दर्शन ने मुझे पुनः आने की प्रेरणा दी है। मैं निश्चित रूप से फिर से इस पवित्र स्थान पर आऊंगा।

Sri Rahul Katakey
DIG (IPS), Training, Jaipur

भारतीय सभ्यता और संस्कृति की क्षमताएं पूरा विश्व जानता है लेकिन इस सांस्कृतिक परंपरा और धरोहर को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए और अपने सनातन मूल्यों को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए गुप्त वृंदावन अर्थात जयपुर में एक बहुत बड़ा हरे कृष्ण मंदिर बनने जा रहा है

Nitish Bharadwaj
Actor | Director | Producer

जयपुर, जिसे गुप्त वृंदावन कहते हैं, वहाँ पर श्रीहरी का एक मंदिर निर्माण हो रहा है। साढ़े तीन लाख स्क्वायर फीट में बनाए जा रहे इस भव्य मंदिर और सांस्कृतिक केंद्र के आप भी एक सहयोगी बन सकते हैं। मात्र 1800 रुपये प्रति स्क्वायर फीट का सहयोग देकर आप एक पुनीत कार्य करें और श्रीहरि के कृपा पात्र बनें। हरे कृष्ण।

Suryapal Singh
The Kerala Story Movie Writer

गुप्त वृंदावन धाम मंदिर में श्री श्री कृष्ण बलराम के दर्शन करना मेरे लिए एक अद्भुत अनुभव रहा। उनके दर्शन से मन को गहरी शांति और अपार आनंद मिला। यहाँ आकर मैंने जाना कि मंदिर में गौ सेवा भी होती है, जो सनातन धर्म का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। इस सेवा को देखकर मन और भी आनंदित हो गया।

Pt. Sudhir Vayas
Musical Artist

मुझे जानकर बेहद खुशी हुई कि यहां पर गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम बनने वाला है, कितनी खुशी की बात है ये कि एक ऐसा प्लेटफार्म तैयार हो रहा है एक ऐसा मंच तैयार हो रहा है जहां सब मिलकर अलग-अलग एक्टिविटीज के जरिए कृष्ण भावनामृत का अनुभव कर सकते हैं

Amrita Rao
Indian Actress

गुप्त वृन्दावन धाम में आकर बहुत अच्छा लगा। भगवान के सुंदर विग्रह और सजावट देखकर मन की शांति महसूस हुई। मेरी प्रार्थना है कि ईश्वर की कृपा सभी पर बनी रहे। हरे कृष्ण मूवमेंट से हम तनाव, एंज़ाइटी और डिप्रेशन से दूर रह सकते हैं और जीवन को सरलता से जी सकते हैं।

Dr. Puja Agarwal
Vice President, Arya Group of Colleges

सदियों से भव्य मंदिर बनने की परंपरा को आगे बढ़ाते हुए हरे कृष्ण मूवमेंट बना रहा है राजस्थान का सबसे बड़ा मंदिर गुप्त वृंदावन धाम। मैं चाहताहू कि आप सब भी इस मंदिर के निर्माण में अपना सहयोग करें और भगवान का प्रसाद प्राप्त करें।

Rj Mohit

Maghi Purnima 2025 - Grand Preparations

We are committed to supporting the Sadhus and Pilgrims at Kumbh Mela through food, shelter, hygiene, and other essential services. We aim to ensure that every devotee has a comfortable and meaningful experience during this sacred event. Support us!

Respected Contributors

29 minutes ago
Bhagyalakahmi R Jdonated2551
about 1 hour ago
Raina Kulshresthadonated1100
about 1 hour ago
Priyanshu Bishtdonated110
about 2 hours ago
Ashmi Hoodadonated110
about 2 hours ago
Anshu kumardonated1122
about 3 hours ago
Nishi paldonated511
about 3 hours ago
Bharti Ankarboinadonated255
about 3 hours ago
Rakesh Nishad rajdonated1151
about 3 hours ago

Offer your Seva and receive the blessings of Sri Radha Krishna


Skanda Purana, Chapter 5, Verse 7

Skanda Purana, Chapter 5, Verse 7

स्नानाद् पुण्यं प्राप्नोति, तत्र यत्र गंगाजीवितं।

सर्वपापविनिर्मुक्तो, मोक्षं प्राप्नोति मानवः॥

Through the holy bath (Shahi Snan), one attains purity. Wherever the sacred Ganges flows, all sins are washed away, and the devotee becomes free from all impurities, achieving liberation (moksha) from the cycle of birth and death.

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 17, Verse 20

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 17, Verse 20

दानं पुण्यं करोति य: पुण्यश्चाति महोदधिं।

सर्वपापविनिर्मुक्तो भक्तिर्भवति तस्य तत्॥

He who gives charity with a pure heart, overcomes all sins and crosses the great ocean of life. Such a person becomes filled with devotion, and attains eternal peace.

Mahabharata, Anushasana Parva, Chapter 118, Verse 43

Mahabharata, Anushasana Parva, Chapter 118, Verse 43

य: पिंडं दाति ब्राह्मणाय, य: स्यात् शुद्धो हि य: क्षत्रियाय।

निःसृतं साक्षाद् विष्णुलोकं प्राप्नोति शुद्धं सदा॥

Whoever gives food or shelter to a devotee, whether a Brahmin or a Kshatriya, he is purified and blessed by Vishnu, and attains the divine realm, free of all impurities.

Padma Purana, Part 1, Chapter 5, Verse 43

Padma Purana, Part 1, Chapter 5, Verse 43

न हि दानात् समं पुण्यं, न तप: समं बलम्।

शरीरे शुद्धं कर्तव्यं, शुद्धे सर्वे समृद्धि॥

There is no greater merit than charity, nor is there any greater strength than selfless giving. Purify your body and soul through this act, and you will find prosperity in all aspects of life.

Be a part of Maha Kumbh 2025 - Mauni Amavasya (Shahi Snan)


Frequently Asked Question!

Shahi Snan Seva Maha Kumbh 2025

Kumbh Daan Maha Daan

Significance of Annadaan at Maha Kumbh:

"पूर्णं तिथौ दानं दत्त्वा महाफलमवाप्नुयात्।"

"Purnam tithau danam dattvā mahāphalam avāpnuyāt।"

~ Bhavishya Purana (Uttara Parva 27.6)

Translation: By giving charity on the Purnima tithi, one attains great results and auspicious blessings.

अन्नदान is often considered the highest form of charity in Hinduism. The scriptures proclaim that "Annadaan is the greatest form of charity" because it nourishes not just the body, but the soul as well. At the Maha Kumbh, millions of pilgrims travel long distances, enduring fatigue, and hunger in pursuit of spiritual growth. Your generous contribution to Annadaan ensures that these pilgrims do not have to face the burden of physical discomfort, allowing them to focus on their spiritual practices.

शास्त्रों में कहा गया है कि "अन्नदान सबसे बड़ा दान है", क्योंकि यह केवल शरीर को पोषण देने का कार्य नहीं है, बल्कि आत्मा को भी पोषण देता है। महाकुंभ में लाखों तीर्थयात्री लंबी यात्रा करते हैं, थकावट और भूख का सामना करते हुए आध्यात्मिक उन्नति की ओर बढ़ते हैं। आपका उदार योगदान यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि ये तीर्थयात्री शारीरिक कष्टों से मुक्त रहकर अपनी आध्यात्मिक साधनाओं में ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकें।

The Importance of Annadaan on Shahi Snan Days:

On the Shahi Snan days, when divine energies are believed to be at their peak, every act of charity carries immense spiritual merit. Donating to Annadaan on these dates not only nourishes the body but also nourishes the soul, bringing abundant blessings. These days are sacred, and your contribution during these times amplifies the blessings you receive.

शाही स्नान के दिनों में, जब दिव्य ऊर्जा अपने चरम पर होती है, हर दान का आध्यात्मिक महत्व अत्यधिक होता है। इन तिथियों पर अन्नदान दान करना न केवल शरीर को पोषण देता है, बल्कि आत्मा को भी पोषण प्रदान करता है, जिससे अपार आशीर्वाद प्राप्त होते हैं। ये दिन पवित्र होते हैं, और इन दिनों में आपका योगदान आपके द्वारा प्राप्त आशीर्वाद को कई गुना बढ़ा देता है।

Other Important Sevas and Their Significance:

  1. Sadhu Bhojan Seva: Feeding sadhus and sanyasis is one of the highest forms of charity. They are dedicated to spiritual pursuits and often rely on the kindness of others. By contributing to this seva, you are honoring their commitment to spirituality.

    साधु भोजन सेवा: साधुओं और संन्यासियों को भोजन कराना दान का सबसे बड़ा रूप माना जाता है। ये लोग आध्यात्मिक साधना में समर्पित होते हैं और अक्सर दूसरों की दया पर निर्भर होते हैं। इस सेवा में योगदान करके, आप उनके आध्यात्मिक समर्पण का सम्मान करते हैं।

  2. Blanket Distribution Seva: Providing warm blankets during the cold months ensures the comfort of pilgrims, helping them focus on their spiritual practices instead of physical discomfort.

    कंबल वितरण सेवा: सर्दी के महीनों में गर्म कंबल प्रदान करना तीर्थयात्रियों की आरामदायक स्थिति सुनिश्चित करता है, जिससे वे शारीरिक असुविधा के बजाय अपनी आध्यात्मिक साधना पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकते हैं।

  3. Free Stay Seva: Offering free accommodation to pilgrims helps them focus on their spiritual journey, providing a safe and comfortable place to rest before or after their holy dips.

    मुफ्त आवास सेवा: तीर्थयात्रियों को मुफ्त आवास प्रदान करने से उन्हें अपनी आध्यात्मिक यात्रा पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने में मदद मिलती है, साथ ही उन्हें पवित्र स्नान से पहले या बाद में आराम करने के लिए एक सुरक्षित और आरामदायक स्थान मिलता है।

  4. Gita Daan Seva: Donating copies of the Bhagavad Gita is a way to spread divine wisdom. It’s especially powerful on sacred days like Basant Panchami, Maghi Purnima, and Shivratri.

    गीता दान सेवा: भगवद गीता की प्रतियां दान करना दिव्य ज्ञान फैलाने का एक तरीका है। यह बसंत पंचमी, माघी पूर्णिमा, और शिवरात्रि जैसे पवित्र दिनों में विशेष रूप से प्रभावी होता है।

Significance of Maghi Purnima

Magha Purnima is a special full moon day with great spiritual importance for Hindus. On this day, people pray to Lord Vishnu and Surya Narayana and take part in sacred rituals.

🔹 It falls in the Magha month, which is why it is called Magha Purnima.
🔹 Many devotees take a holy bath in rivers, believing it washes away sins.
🔹 Giving charity and helping others on this day brings great blessings.

This day is considered very auspicious for worship, fasting, and doing good deeds.

The festival is considered an auspicious day to start new ventures, learn something new, and seek blessings for intellectual and spiritual growth. Donate for Maghi Purnima and receive divine blessings.

What is Maghi Purnima?

Maghi Purnima – A Sacred Full Moon Day 🌕

Maghi Purnima, also called Magha Purnima, is the full moon day in the Hindu month of Magha (January–February). It is a very special day for spiritual activities and charity.

🔹 Kumbh Mela & Magha Mela – This period is important because Kumbh Mela happens every 12 years, and Magha Mela is held every year at the holy Triveni Sangam (the confluence of three rivers) in Prayagraj and other places in North India.
🔹 Sacred Bathing – Devotees take a holy dip in rivers, believing it cleanses sins and brings blessings.
🔹 Puja & Charity – People worship Lord Vishnu and Surya Narayana, offer prayers, and give charity on this auspicious day.

It is a powerful day for devotion, purification, and spiritual progress.

What to Donate on Maghi Purnima?

What to Do on Maghi Purnima for Blessings and Prosperity

Maghi Purnima is a sacred day for charity, worship, and spiritual purification. Performing acts of service and giving donations on this day is believed to bring divine blessings.

Worship and Rituals

  • Take a holy bath early in the morning in a sacred river or at home for purification.
  • Offer prayers to Lord Vishnu and Surya Narayana with devotion.
  • Perform havan using black sesame seeds and later donate them for spiritual benefits.
  • Give arghya to the Moon at night by offering raw milk mixed with sugar and rice while chanting:
    "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare"

Charity and Donations (Dāna)

Giving charity on Maghi Purnima is considered highly meritorious.

  • Food Donation – Arrange meals for Brahmins, saints, and the needy after worship.
  • Clothing Donation – Donate warm clothes, blankets, and woolens to the poor.
  • Education Donation – Support the education of underprivileged children by donating notebooks, pens, and school bags.
  • Grains and Essentials – Offering grains, ghee, jaggery, and fruits brings prosperity.

Special Remedies for Wealth and Prosperity

  • Offer tulsi, a diya, and water to Tulsi Mata for blessings from Goddess Lakshmi.
  • Place 11 cowries (कौड़ियां) on Goddess Lakshmi’s idol and apply turmeric tilak on them.
  • Offer sweets to a Peepal tree and pour water for good fortune.

By following these practices, devotees can attract happiness, health, and prosperity. Maghi Purnima is a time for spiritual upliftment and seeking divine grace.

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Rituals and Practices on Maghi Purnima

Maghi Purnima is a sacred day marked by holy baths, puja, and charity. Every year, thousands of devotees gather at Prayagraj’s Triveni Sangam, where the Yamuna, Ganga, and Saraswati rivers meet, to participate in the Magha Mela and take a ritual bath, known as Parv Snaan.

Significance of the Holy Bath

  • It is believed that bathing in the Sangam on Maghi Purnima washes away sins and brings spiritual purification.
  • Devotees worship Guru Brihaspati (Jupiter) on this day, believing that the divine Gandharvas descend from heaven to the holy waters.
  • Many pilgrims also visit Ayodhya after bathing in Prayagraj to complete their spiritual journey by taking a dip in the Sarayu River.

Maghi Purnima Puja Rituals

  1. Take a holy bath early in the morning, preferably in a sacred river.
  2. Place an idol of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi on a wooden plank.
  3. Offer Tulsi leaves to Lord Vishnu and light a diya. Avoid plucking fresh Tulsi leaves on this day.
  4. Perform the Satyanarayan Puja during the auspicious time (muhurta), usually in the afternoon or evening.
  5. Prepare and offer bhog including panchamrit, panjiri, and bananas to the deity.
  6. Recite the Satyanarayan Katha, Aarti, and Vishnu mantras with devotion.
  7. After completing the puja, devotees break their fast and distribute prasad.

Observing these rituals with faith and sincerity on Maghi Purnima brings divine blessings, peace, and prosperity.

Donations According to Zodiac Signs

In Hindu tradition, some donations are believed to have a specific impact depending on your zodiac sign. On Maghi Purnima, it is said that making donations according to your zodiac sign can bring more significant benefits:

  1. Aries (Mesh) – Donating red clothes or items related to strength or courage, such as iron or steel, is auspicious for Aries.
  2. Taurus (Vrishabh) – Donating green items like vegetables or donating to the needy is beneficial for Taurus.
  3. Gemini (Mithun) – Donating books or knowledge-related items helps Geminis, who value intellectual growth.
  4. Cancer (Kark) – Donating milk or dairy products to the poor can bring prosperity and peace to Cancer individuals.
  5. Leo (Singh) – Donating yellow items, like food or clothes, aligns with the energy of Leo and is considered highly beneficial.
  6. Virgo (Kanya) – Donating items for health, like medicines or healthcare materials, is recommended for Virgos.
  7. Libra (Tula) – Donating clothes, especially yellow or white, can bring good fortune to Librans.
  8. Scorpio (Vrishchik) – Donating spiritual items like prayer books or incense sticks is said to bring blessings to Scorpios.
  9. Sagittarius (Dhanu) – Donating food and charity in the form of money or grains is good for Sagittarians.
  10. Capricorn (Makar) – Donating to spiritual causes or temples is recommended for Capricorns.
  11. Aquarius (Kumbh) – Donating electronic items or supporting modern causes can benefit Aquarians.
  12. Pisces (Meen) – Donating water, or any item related to healing or peace, is beneficial for Pisces.

Importance of Donation on Magha Purnima

Charity (Dāna) holds a special place in Hinduism, and donating on Magha Purnima is considered highly meritorious. It is believed that acts of selfless giving on this sacred day bring peace, prosperity, and spiritual purification.

Why is Donation Important on Magha Purnima?

  1. Spiritual Benefits – Donating food, clothes, grains, and essentials helps in removing past sins and brings divine blessings.
  2. Blessings of Lord Vishnu – Charity on this day pleases Lord Vishnu, ensuring happiness and success in life.
  3. Path to Moksha (Liberation) – Giving to the needy is believed to purify the soul and aid in attaining salvation (moksha).
  4. Multiplied Rewards – Scriptures state that donations made on Magha Purnima bring manifold returns, both in this life and beyond.

Recommended Donations on Magha Purnima

  • Food Donation: Providing meals to the poor, Brahmins, and saints is highly auspicious.
  • Clothing and Blankets: Donating warm clothes and blankets offers comfort to those in need.
  • Educational Support: Giving notebooks, pens, and study materials supports underprivileged children’s education.
  • Sesame Seeds Donation: Offering black sesame seeds in a havan and later donating them is considered spiritually rewarding.
  • Grains and Essentials: Donating ghee, jaggery, and fruits brings prosperity.

By embracing charity on Magha Purnima, one can cultivate compassion, remove obstacles, and invite divine grace into life.

What to Avoid on Maghi Purnima

While Maghi Purnima is a day for joy and celebration, there are certain things to avoid:

  1. Avoid Negative or Harsh Words: It is believed that speaking harshly or being rude on this day brings negative energy.

  2. Avoid Arguments and Conflicts: Fights and arguments are discouraged on this day. It is considered a day for peaceful and harmonious activities.

  3. Avoid Laziness: On Maghi Purnima, you should avoid being idle. It is a day to be active, learn something new, and engage in productive activities.

  4. Avoid Consuming Non-Vegetarian Food: Many people refrain from eating non-vegetarian food and alcohol on this auspicious day to maintain purity and spiritual focus.


Magha Purnima is not just a day of rituals but an opportunity to serve humanity through charity. Donations made on this sacred occasion bring spiritual upliftment, inner peace, and divine blessings. By providing food to the hungry, clothes to the needy, and education to the underprivileged, one not only fulfills a moral duty but also aligns with the principles of Dharma and selfless service.

The act of giving on Magha Purnima purifies the soul, removes obstacles, and multiplies blessings manifold. True wealth lies in sharing, and those who give with sincerity receive abundant grace in return. Let us embrace this spirit of charity and compassion, making our contributions meaningful and transformative.

Maha Kumbh - Shahi Snan Seva
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